Study Tour Programs 2014 International Education Study Tour

2014 International Education Study Tour

No. 2 Middle School Affiliated to Shandong University: Sister School of the Australian School of Contemporary Chinese (ASCC)

6 – 16 August 2014: Jinan, Guangzhou, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Canberra, Sydney, Guangzhou, Jinan

Official visits in Canberra:

Australian School of Contemporary Chinese (ASCC)

University of Canberra

UC Senior College at Lake Ginninderra (UCCLG)

Harrison High School

Gold Creek Primary School

Canberra: the National Capital City of Australia

2014 Chinese Education Training Program

30 June – 7 July 2014

Ms Xiaomeng Shang, MEd, Book Editor

Joint Publishing Co Ltd Hong Kong

Destinations: Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne

National Organizer: TRILONG International

Local Organizers: Chinese Language Teachers Association of New South Wales, Canberra Chinese Language Teachers Society (CCLTS) Inc, Chinese Language Teachers Association of Victoria (CLTAV) Inc

Topic: Satisfying the Various Needs of Chinese Learning in K12

This training program introduces a systematic analysis of cognitive features of elementary and middle school students, as well as their individualistic features in cognition and emotion

understanding students’ interests and abilities at different phases

textbook design and teaching skills aiming at the goals of differentiate teaching

advice on differential teaching while satisfying various needs

flexible use of text books and arrangement in class teaching to improve individual student’s Chinese linguistic ability

About the Presenter

Ms Xiaomeng Shang obtained her Masters Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). She has taught in International Chinese Language & Culture Center at Tsinghua University, College of Intensive Chinese Training at BLCU as well as Peking University CSI program and Columbia University CIB program. She is currently working as editor in Joint Publishing Co. Ltd., specialized in Chinese learning textbooks.